Saturday, February 04, 2006

65BRD and only 7 more levels to go

Last night I started off in a party in The Boyahda Tree... which is always a bit of a pain. Damselflies have a nasty ass AOE and Crawlers slow party members and put up shell. Top top it off we had a taru PLD and a RNG. I have nothing against either of these jobs, but it meant I'd have to land Ballad on the PLD and give the RNG his Hunter's Prelude. Each fight I was singing 9 songs which got tedious real fast. To top it off, we spent 2 hours there and got about 4k xp. When they said they were tired I jumped on it and left. I went to sleep as 64BRD with 4k/24k into the leve.

Today I attempted the new Valentine's Day event, you get a reraise wand that cannot be cast on you (um... yay.) and a few other sundries. I read up on it and it's quite confusing and as of right now (well the NA's don't know for sure yet) people don't know the 100% way to the HQ Charm Wand +1. It's just as bad but has a different amount of charges and delay. So I found this chick, we followed the instructions, and we got our wand. I feel bad if this girl runs around with her wand equipped not know how many people may or may not dislike me. But we tried the next game day and got a whopping Chocopass. We decided to try another city and headed to Bastok. There we did it a 3rd time and were offered signature crystals and more chcopasses. Well this was 2 hrs in the making so I threw in the towel and said I'd try it again after the weekend when people had figured the 100% way to get HQ wand. Here's a screenshot of the very manly weapon.

So I have some early dinner and get a blind invite into an xp party. I only accept because a few people were Rank 10 and the names sounded familar. That was at 4:30pm. Well the party broke at 12:30am and byt that time I was 7k inside of 65BRD. I am now only 7 levels from Sha'ir and I need 10M more to be able to craft each individual piece. So I ended up all in all getting about 30k or so in 8 hours. Average xp but I didn't die and got 6 Beastman Seals and 1 Kindred Seal. At the end of the fight Viviflare sent me a tell and let me know that he was doing KS30 and I figured what the hell. I had my Themis Orb (KS99) so I went the BLM route and there was only four of them so if I got a D. Ingot then at least I'd get more than I would if we had a full party. Well, total crap dropped.

HQ Scorpion Shell (3k)

Anubis Knife (1k... the last one sold for 1g)

Heart Snatcher (already had one so /toss)

Malboro Fiber (59k)

Trainer's Gloves (2k)

Wyvern Scales (15k)

Really crap drops. Nothing says FFXI than a month's worth of seals netting 80k in gil.


At February 06, 2006 3:22 PM, Blogger Boa Valenwood said...

When the images you insert into your post are too big, the bar on the right side of your screen (with your profile and such) is gonna scroll all the way down to the bottom like it's doing now (for me at least). Fix that by changing the size of the pics in your Diabolos and Genbu+Byakko posts. Just a few pixels off the side should fix it!

Very nice blog. Hope you update often. :)


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