Sunday, March 19, 2006

Taking a break, short time...

I've become kind of blah with this game the last week or so. The people in this video game have taken it way too seriously, and I have been treated like someone who doesn't have any feelings nor would react to being treated poorly or rudely. When it all comes down to it I pay to play and enjoy my time in this game, and when a person (or a group) of people try to make me feel like shit because of things they've heard about me but do not have any first-hand experience about me... that's my cue to back away. I don't need to pay to be verbally abused, ignored, or mistreated. I can get that for free in the streets of NYC.

I'll play maybe 2x a week for short periods of time. In all likelihood it will be for Dynamis and for Limbus but other than that I don't have the desire (not right now at least) to feel like shit because of a video game. It's just not worth it. If I do come back on over the next 2-3 weeks it may be to level a low-level job and have zero interaction with most people... Maybe things will change, maybe people will get this giant sized chip off their inflated ego shoulders, or maybe a world emmigration will open up. We'll see. Until then...


At March 20, 2006 9:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

GORO, dont take the game to serious mang ! Enjoy it with friends, not with HNMLS bullshit. Anywho I dont know you personally but GL and comeback soon :) :Vile @ ODIN:

At March 20, 2006 10:24 PM, Blogger Ultrabum said...

That's the thing, I'm tired of others taking this game so seriously that it makes me feel shitty.

Maybe I'm pointing the finger at people but in turn pointing 4 fingers (unknowingly) back at myself...

At March 21, 2006 6:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bitch slap those foo's with a taru and then murder some cute lil mandies around windy >8D


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