Limbus, Jailers, and Cerberus. OH MY!
This afternoon we did some Limbus action, we decided to go after HQ Beastmen. Another new floor to me but fairly straightforward. 2 mobs in all 4 corners of a room, 3 more in the NW and SE corners, and finally the 3 HQ Mega Bosses in the middle. Not to hard, We had lots of time, 47 coins for 18 people. Was nice to see new stuff in Limbus. We should be doing Ultima this week sometime, possibly this weekend.
After that we gather in the Garden of Ruh'Met for some jailer action. We planned to farm the Ix'Aern and pop Jailer of Temperance and Jailer of Fortitude. We got our parties together and we get the call that Cerberus just popped. We were outta sea and into Halvung in about 5-7 minutes. No one else knew, but lots of people saw a sea of orange dots heading for the Runic Portals so it was only a matter of time before people who didn't camp it found out it was up.
Now I want to stray away from being a drama magnet, but as we were setting up our parties LimitBreak charged in with 8 people. I kinda asked Costello before his party even got there if they planned at making a go for it. His answer was "maybe", which was obviously BS cause he had a sea of people en route. Telling us yes would force his hand, so instead of lying he just didn't tell the truth. To me, it's pretty lowly and disrespectful to charge in like that. Its not like this is Fafnir or KB, we camped it, we were organizing for it, and LB pretty much just said, "Too bad, too slow". I look at this as if our LS gathered for Jorm or Tiamat and as we're finishing up our parties another one run in with 8 people to claim and hold. It's not illegal, it's just disrespectful.
It's also embarrassingly disrespectful the way alot of my LS was talking in say. I don't condone it, I don't agree with it, but I am in no position to stop it. Especially when our leaders are the ones doing it. To categorize myself with people that are rude in /say is pointless. That's like saying that I look at LB members as gil buyers since one of their members has spent hundreds of dollars on his character purchasing gil... but I don't look at LB as gil buyers. Even if one was really bad at buying gil. I'd expect them to feel the same about myself and who/what was said in /say during the fight.
Anyways, congrats on the win LB, you definetly didn't earn it but you sure as hell got it (along with an Algol). Let's hope in the future you can show a little more respect to a LS that camps a NM instead of riding in on our coat-tails and claiming a mob with 1/3rd your alliance, hoping to hold it for your slow as molassus teammates.
Guess I don't avoid the drama magnet too well do I?
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