Multi Muzzle
- I can get Imperial Standing.
- I can get Qiqirn Sandbags which desynth into Silica which actually has some demand right now.
- When we don't lose the Astral Candy... I can get auto-refresh with sanction on!
Unfortunetly, I got 1 mob in before I heard "LB is dying to Cerb!". Ugh, so I warped, job changed to RDM/DRK, realized that Odin lost in Besieged so I couldn't use Runic Portal. I had to sub DRK so I couldn't escape once inside Halvung... so I had a long ass run to get into Mt. Z. At least I found Archaic Mirrors along the way and marked them on my map for future reference.
By the time I arrived most of LB had home-pointed or tractored and was weakened. Our LS pulled with 4 and held for almost 10 minutes... I guess they felt they weren't going to lose out again by being overly cautious. Well they held him till the cavelry came and we never had a problem. Two Gates of Hades got through... 1 was on mine but I KNOW I stunned it. There must have been massive lag and I got the chatlog line late. Either way we recovered and had only 2 deaths from the whole fight. This time Cerb was nice to us. Two claws, one hide, one meat, and one Algol. That sword is so sexy, and it's kinda the only way people can know you killed Cerberus without checking your title. Since Mantle and Bow can be bought, this is the only rare/ex item that he drops.
Afterwards I was convinced to return to Airship BCNM. I once said after I died so much to that stupid ass fight... "I'll never do Snoll or Airship EVER again". Well, I was somehow convinced to go as BRD (well, a nice free reraise hairpin was thrown in) and we got Madberserk and Ncloud both Sea access. Congrats on that! Now we need to get these new sea-goers into some Limbus/Jailer action.
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