Friday, May 26, 2006

Who needs those stinking THFs?

Treasure Hunter pfft! I was soloing Marids to close out a merit and I was getting crazy drops. Hides, Hairs, and tons of seals. I think I got a total of 7 hides, 3 hairs, and 9 Kindred Seals over about a 3 hour period. I was crazy bored and wanting some stuff. I got the hides turned into leathers (thanks EJ!) and then had a friend synth a Jaridah Peti (thanks EJ!). We did a little Limbus (Apollyon SE again someone shoot me now) and we lost because I hit my convert macro instead of my silence macro when pulling skeletons. It backed us up timewise and I shoulder the blame for that loss, though we ended up with the same amount of coins per person as we did last time so...meh. On a side note I finally got enough Assault Points to unlock tier 2 assaults so I am now a PFC Wildcat and can accrue 5 id tags now instead of the previous three. Hopefully I can find a static and finally start getting my assault rewards.


At June 09, 2006 2:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site. Keep working. Thank you.


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