Friday, May 12, 2006

My quarterly rant

I am pissed about a few things today, and I'm gonna vent them right now because I feel like it. If this refers to you or has anything to do I'm sorry, but I'm just fed up with some things and need to vent.

1) Stupid newbs - Last night I was trying to farm silk on my ex girlfriend's character (which is technically mine since it's on my Content ID but that's besides the point). This character is 30THF is located in Jeuno. I grabbed an instant warp scroll and signet and did a simple everyday shout. /shout Teleport Mea Can I have it? 2000g You can have this. Simple enough right? I got four separate people (not all in the same party) asking me to teleport them to Mea... Are you retarded? Can't you SEE that I am a 30THF and looking for a tele, not offering one? All 4 of these bozos were not even rank 3 yet... and since all tele-taxis seem to have moved to Aht Urghan, the morons are left begging for rides in Jeuno... begging a THF for a tele.

2) Undercutters - People in this game have ZERO concept of any form of economics. Macroeconomics, microeconomics.... even basic principles. These people are idiots. I say this because I'm trying to sell stacks of Velvet Cloth, Silk Cloth and Linen Cloth and all 3 items were undercut. These idiots would rather sell a 170k item for 160k today than wait 5 hours and get 10k more. Friggin idiots... Then someone sees its last sale at 160k and undercuts to 155k. Now we're 15,000g below the normal selling price. Problem is that buyers don't want to pay high prices so they gobble these prices up, making the seller think, "Oh crap I can sell this item in 12 minutes! I'm gonna farm it more and sell for 150k!" and now we're 20k below normal selling price and it's now 1/8th cheaper than it was yesterday. I wanna climb through my TV and punch these idiots in the face till they can't see their screen anymore to ruin the economy. Having said that I have almost 700k sitting on the AH because people wanted to undercut prices by about 5-10k; thus lowering its "going rate" which is lower than my current listed price. Which means I have 3 choices; a) wait for people to stop undercutting and the price go back up, b) wait for the item to get sent back to me from the AH cause some dingbat dropped the price, c) Stop Sale of the item and relist at the lower price which in turn reinforces the lower value of the item. All choices SUCK.

3) Vagus - (as of late) Now this can be a touchy subject. I have known this guy for almost 2 years and respected him when he led me in Envy, but as of late he has been kinda pissing me off. Everyday... every single day he camps Lord of Onzozo for Kraken Clubs. His gaming experience has come down to sitting around for hours trying to get an item to sell for 200,000,000 gil. That's right two-hundred million gil. Now some of you might say, "Linkshells everday camp Fafnir or Behemoth, etc" and sure, you're right. Linkshells do camp those NMs daily, but not for profit. Not to get a 200M gil item to sell. They camp it to better their LS members. Instead Vagus camps LoO daily to make money. I thought about this for a while last night and came to the conclusion that an argument could be made that he is attempting to monopolize a NM. Now he doesn't get cliams daily I know this. He has RMT's there everyday to compete with. I do know that he has claimed it multiple times and gotten a Kraken Club a few times as well. I see him purchasing a Shura Togi for 9M or some super-duper dagger/knife for 10M and that's cool, I made my money off of my Manteel. But when is enough ENOUGH? That has bothered me recently, but also the fact that in my Dynamis LS I only see this guy at Dynamis Xarcabard runs. He no longer attends any other runs except for Xarcabard and the same goes for Strawberrie and Senrez and a few others. It sickens me that we helped them get their AF yet they don't come on runs to help us get our AF. Sure you have to quit sometime, but if you are only going to come on 1 run for your last piece of AF don't even bother coming. It just shows a lack of respect and says to me that all you are concerned with is you getting yours. Once he gets that last piece of AF I'll bet my wallet we'll never see or hear from him again in Obsidian.

I'm pissed today and I don't care that I'm typing this down. Fack.


At May 22, 2006 1:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah stfu hoe!


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