Saturday, July 15, 2006

BLM fun times

So for the past few days I have taken up soloing and moved on from Gustav Tunnel and into Bibiki Bay. My first try soloing as 55BLM was funny... Used 1 ES'd Quake and seeing it only take 50% of the rarab's HP I realized I needed a partner. I did a /sea all BLM 55-57 and found a little taru 56BLM who was looking for party. This player was Japanese but in their comments they had {Please use the Auto-translate function}. I was able to convince them to come out with me to Bibiki Bay and duo, and boy am I glad we did. At first we were trying to one-shot it but doing that requires the same spell and calling out times which is kind of hard to do when 2 people don't speak the same language. We had some deaths but this lil taru was very eager and optimistic.

We came to the realization I would pull and stun at camp, then she would Sleep 2 the rarab and we would nuke. We finally got into a groove and the xp flowed like water. Our highest was Chain #4 for 520xp. Completely insane xp. We found a third person to join in and things went faster, even if the xp did drop to [gasp!] 250-300xp per kill. Finally we got our levels and moved on to higher ancient magic using tornado and even burst. It's really amazing how you can get into a groove partying with a 2nd person. You get a feel for what needs to be done fast and efficiently. If she got a resist I would stun, she would sleep, I'd toss her a Cure 2 and she'd thunder 2 for the kill. We really did well for our 1st party. When we finally broke we had partied for 3 hours and gotten about 13,000xp total. As we were saying our goodbyes she befriended me and just like that I made my 1st JPN friend. We warped out and before we broke party we agreed {Team up?} {Tomorrow} {Yes, please}.

Sure enough last night we got back together and she hit 58, I hit 56 and we got another 10k xp in a few hours. I'm hoping we can duo for a long time, cause not only is her little taru butt powerful, but she has so much optimism and loves to /emote everything. Makes partying with her alot of fun. So far my record for Quake is 1105 without ES on Earthsday. Weird thing was it was in the morning, but for the rest of the day I was capped at 940, and ES never broke 942. Didn't understand that one. Right now I'm camping for my Wizard's Tonbon. Kinda crappy pants but I'll macro them in with my Dusky Staff for my aspirs and drains.


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