Thursday, July 27, 2006

no double ballad for j00!

Yeah, so those asswipes at SE have been screwing up all kinds of BRD stuff since this patch. They give you something, then take it away, then they offer you something, but don't honor what they say they will. Let me explain:

1) Troubadour - First day update went live the description was "Increases the casting times for songs by 1.5 and doubles the effect" which was awesome sounding! Then, after putting 3 merits (30,000xp) into Troubadour I find out it only increases duration. (WTF it said nothing about duration!) The next day I log in and scan through my merits and guess what Troubadour now says... "Increases the casting times for songs by 1.5 and doubles the duration effect".

um, excuse me that's something totally different...

2) Harlequins Horn - So with the implementation of Raptor Mazurka (lv37 mazurka) it seems that Chocobo Mazurka got a bit of a speed boost. Suddenly, everyone with a Harlequin's Horn found that when they sang Chocobo Mazurka you got flee speed. Wow, awesome, now we can have almost constant flee! Sure, SE annoyed me by giving speed ncreases to not only low lvl BRDs, but people actually subbing BRD now... but giving us flee with HHorn is totally worth it. Horns starting selling again, raising from 400k to 3M. Then SE releases this crap:

Jul. 25, 2006 05:00 [PDT] From: FINAL FANTASY XI
Details on Current Known Issue (Jul. 25)

Since the implementation of the latest version update on Jul. 24, 2006, the following issues have been discovered. Solutions to these issues are now being tested. Players will be informed as soon as solutions are finalized.
The following issues have been discovered:

- An issue where singing Raptor Mazurka or Chocobo Mazurka with Harlequin's Horn, Gjallarhorn or Millennium Horn equipped would result in improper effect.
* This will be addressed on Jul. 26, 2006.

We apologize for the inconvenience.

You gotta be kidding me... So they lied to me about an effect which cost me 30,000 xp or about 3-4 hours of meriting... and now they are taking away the flee effect they added? Doing a bang-up job on us BRDs SE! A 20 minute ability to speed up songs which can be aquired by having the proper armor and having it on you 100% of the time, a /ja that extends songs, not their potency, and enmity control.

You fail this patch for us BRDs.


At July 30, 2006 3:17 PM, Blogger Boa Valenwood said...

I doubt SE lied to YOU as a person. I'm sure there was some CEO sitting there thinking, "How can WE as a whole piss off this one guy on the Odin server?"

And it is perfectly balanced, in my opinion. Compared to the other abilities the other mage jobs have gotten, it's fair. After all, Protectra V with only one merit in it is only +5 DEF.

Certain people just seem to take a beneficial thing and find something wrong with it. Just be glad they decided to give you longer song duration so you can do something else in the meantime, like Cure your PT members or pull more mobs.


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