Tuesday, August 22, 2006


Not much going on last night, didn't feel like leveling BLM since I've done it so much recently. Wanted to get my newb feeligns back. I hit up my armor mule and saw that I still had all my level 15 mage gear so I muled it all over, switched to 13SMN, and headed out to Tahrongi Canyon. Soloing as SMN is easier than soloing as BST, and very little attention is needed, granted it's only 40-70xp per kill but seeing as it's only 3600xp per level... thats 65 mobs killed. If you kill a mob every 2-3 minutes than you can get your level in about 2 hours. So that's what I did, I spent the night watching the DVR on split screen and soloing on SMN, going form 13 to 15. I probably need to start going into parties now but even then, I won't need to pay super duper attention since all I'll be doing is using Blood Pacts and backup healing. (I will not be a main healer, if I wanted to be a main healer I'd have switched to WHM).

Tonight may be more of the same unless we actually DO our scheduled KS99 run which has been pushed back now almost 2 weeks since our last one. Maybe even do a few jailers. If both of those fall through I'll just party on SMN, solo on BLM, or skillup on leather (finally).


At August 22, 2006 9:37 PM, Blogger Ultrabum said...

Just because I'm surrounded by idiots doesn't mean I have to act like an idiot.

If parties want a main healer find a WHM. If they don't get a WHM... then when they die because SMNs don't have enough MP to cure five people nor have curaga, they won't be upset HP'ing and breaking up the party.


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