Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Man I love uncamped NMs!

Well it's been a few days so I'll update ya. I was 500xp from 38WHM so I decided to solo to 38 with my NPC. Simple enough. When I hit 38 I realized that I could now teleport to Yhoat and Altep (of course I hadn't quested the scrolls yet). I saw shouts in Jeuno of people offering 3-5k for Teleport-Altep, so I hit up the Auction House and bought Yhoat for 300k and Altep for 350k. The next day I decided to quest Altep.

I went to Rabao to start the quest then into Quicksand Caves to check for the ???. Luckily I found the ??? and right after I found my map coffer. After 2 years I finally got that stupid Quicksands Cave map. I realized that no one was camping Centurio X-I. I knew that this was a NM that I could solo and I also knew how good the Shaman's Cloak was. I sat around for 2.5 hours killing the Antican Signifier PH's (BLM) every 16 minutes. Then a SAM friend of man wandered in for his coffer for AF and after finding it decided to camp Centurio with me. Finally it popped and I got claim. Here's the problem... he links with surrounding antica. I got 2 links and pulled into hallway. I used sleepga and focused on the NM. Problem is he used "Frequency Jammer" which is a TP move that silences. Well silence stuck a real long time and the 2 links woke up and pounded me and my 53SAM friend into the ground. Upset but not defeated I HP'd and bought echos as fast as possible. I grabbed a teleport and rushed as fast as possible to the caves again. I got there and he was still unclaimed! I quickly used reraise and pulled.

Another 2 mob link...

Great, but I was able to sleepga them and focus on the NM. Then I see I'm examined by a friend in my Dynamis LS. I ask for help and get the reply, "My SMN friend here wants the cloak". Of course I did as well so any help was outta the question. I made sure I had max buffs. I used protect and shell before pull but I also made sure I used aquaveil, phalanx, blink, stoneskin, refresh, regen, ice spikes and baraero. He likes to spam Aeroga III. I also made sure that I dispelled his blaze spikes and kept him blinded, slowed, and paralyzed. Silence won't stick on him no matter how hard you try. Then I just whacked away at him. I kept the sleepga macro ready so that when I saw the links woke I quickly used sleepga to take them out of the picture. One of the most important things I realized was not to waste TP. Centurio likes to use ancient magic like quake, burst, and tornado. With haste and joyeuse I was able to build 100% TP quite fast and stun any AM he tried to use on me. Anwyays I was able to slowly chop him down and he never once used silence on me... I got the kill and the drops were Iron Ore, Adaman Ore, Stonega III, and Antican Robe. Well that sucked. I warped out. I turned in my item for Altep scroll and found out I can't get scroll till next JPN nidnight, (11am EST). I sold the Adaman Ore and Stonega III scroll. I didn't even use an echo drop so I sold them right back (for a 2k profit I might add!).

This morning I wake up and decide "what the heck", so I head out sandy and get my scroll, warp back and find out it's selling for 50k over what I paid for it and I throw it up on the AH. I port out to Altep and head out to the caves. No one is camping him again and I kill my 1st two PH's. I make sure I have buffs ready after 14 mins and realize as the next pop is coming up, "crap, I don't have echos..." and as I realize this I see Centurio X-I pop. It was literally about 4 seconds after that thought popped into my head that he popped. I waited for a clean pull this time and when I saw him alone I grabbed him. Kept up the same strat. Use as many spells as you can on him and yourself. Stoneskin, blink and haste combined with paralyze, slow, and blind go a long way. I love enfeebling magic. This time I didn't have links to worry about and I don't think I ever got yellow HP and my MP never dropped below 50%. Drops came up and sure enough! This is a great BLM cloak for leveling up BLM and its also the best cloak you can use if u want to go into a 60 cap BCNM. I'm really happy with this drop, and since it's rare/ex it means it can't be purchased, it has to be earned! Here's the stats on it.

What makes me laugh is all this came about because I was bored and wanted to get 500 measly xp on my WHM.


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