Wednesday, April 26, 2006

The new crack has arrived

So Treasures of Aht Ughan arrived. Of course I had to get it asap, actually waiting 20 mins for my GameStop to get their UPS shipment. When UPS finally arrived I got on line and was the first peron to request their copy. The manager kinda gave me a look and then turn around to crack open the box and find a PS2 copy for me. I was tired of waiting.

I have alot to go into but its 4:06am and I am awake on the computer... Everyone rushed for jobs, I got BLU and COR unlocked. Don't have much interest in PUP, although the frames are super cute. After day 3 there was 4x the amount of people in Aht Urghan Whitegate than all of Jeuno... The SquareEnix gestapo started shouting "gtfo!" from the heavens.
I had never laughed harder while playing this game. Nearly 600 people in 1 zone and only about 170 people total in 4 Jeuno zones. Anyways enough about other people back to ME. I have been playing BLU and been LOVING IT. It's very powerful and there is so much it can do. I've sorta found myself in a BLU burn with 5 BLUs and a BRD. We kills things so fast that we are about 2 levels ahead of the normal xp party, so we went to Qufim at 17, moved to Pugils at 20, and onto Yuhtunga Jungle at 22. Fun times, and now with Ballad on our 25BRD... it's only going to get faster. We have a player on our server that played 3 days straight, almost 24 hours a day. He finally crashed after the 4th day but by that time he was 38. On day 2 when he was level 28 I sent him a tell asking why he was rushing through the job, and asking if he had his spells. Here is a snippit... I don't want to throw his name out there though everyone on Odin knows who he is pretty much. I asked him right after if he had Healing Breeze, a level 16 spell. He said no and I told him that it was found that Healing Breeze and Sheep Song combine for Auto-Regen. His reply was classic. "I don't have Sheep Song either so it doesn't matter much to me". Anyways to each his own. There is no AF armor or weapon in the game so as he rushes to level 60 he'll get there and have no reward for AF. I, on the other hand, am farming all my spells so that I can be a well rounded BLU, and be able to use combos for traits. There's more to leveling a character than just being the highest the fastest, whether you are NA or JP.

Finally I picked up my Choral Justacorps+1 before Dynamis. Such nice armor. I'm waiting for the screenshot that Elvima took so I can post it, but here's a little text that made me incredibly happy one Sunday afternoon.


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