Friday, June 30, 2006

Down the backstretch they come!

93 down... 7 to go. Well, to be realistic I'll probably stop at 98 or 99 but close enough. Have been making and breaking Errant Slops for about a week now and it seems to be the cheapest way to skillup besides plumes (which are hardly ever in stock). Now that I am 93 it will take quite a few synths to get to 94 which is Errant Slops skill cap. So I must move onto something a bit higher, somewhere in the 95-96 range. What I'm being told by other crafters is to do the Tarutaru Sash to 95, then Blessed Mitts to 96, and Blessed Trouses to 97. Then Dance Shoes to 98 and finally Rasetsu Samue to 99. Things are beginning to look expensive again... I'm down to about 50% of my starting capital, so I should be ok, but I still need to start synthing cloths fromscratch to make up some of the lost gil. It's not necessary but I want to be able to finish Leather to 60 when I get to 95 Cloth.

In other news my Kriegsbiel sold which was nice. I haven't been doing much of anything in sky, I've been keeping up with my Limbus LS but only am going for coins now so I can sell them. Tomorrow I get my 4th piece of AF+1 (2 RDM and 2 BRD) and with every piece of AF+1 I obtain thats one more piece of AF I need to re-obtain so I can store it all. Tomorrow is Choral Cuffs +1. Stats are:

Also today sometime I need to do 2 runs at Lamia No.13 and I will be able to afford my Yigit Turban:

I'll end up using that happily to nuke (tho I don't think my macros are big enough anymore) and then use it for BLM when I get high enough too. I should start XP'ing my BLM again... I haven't done much in game except craft, dynmais, and limbus over the past week or two.

Thursday, June 29, 2006

No cheap option

I surpassed 91 Clothcrft last night and looked at my options to get to 95. None of them really seems that great. To make 12 synths here are my costs:

Errant Slops (94)
Velvet Cloth x24 - 200k
Silk Cloth x24 - 320k
Rainbow Thread x12 - 300k
Ram Leather x12 - 50k
total - 870k

Rainbow Cape (94)
Silk Thread x12 - 40k
Rainbow Cloth x24 - 1.8M
total - 1.840M

Tarutaru Sash (95)
Wool Thread x12 - 60k
Rainbow Thread x12 - 300k
Silver Thread x12 - 36k
Gold Thread x12 - 480k
Manticore Hair x24 - 324k
total - 1.2M

Elite Beret (95)
War Beret x12 - 1.2M
Phoenix Feather x12 - 36k
total - 1.236M

The slops can resell for 25k-30k a piece so that should be about 300k-360k return which would make the slops 570k-630k loss per 12. Looking at the value of the other 3 items this may be my best bet. Elite Berets are worth only 120k per stack, and I'm not too sure about the other two but I'm guessing the net loss per stack is smallest with the slops. My Kriegsbiel got undercut from 5.5M to 5M (why do people do that crap...) so I had to relist thanks to impatient sellers. I think I'm going to have to take a few weeks worth of profit crafting to recover the massive amounts of gil I have spent the last 3 days.

Oh well, shouldn't be too hard if I HQ Kaginawa or some lower level synths. We'll see I guess.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

I am teh sexah now (misspellings on purpose)

So I woke up today knowing that I would get my apron, and I checked online and sure enough I needed to turn in 2 Errant Hats. The things cost a fortune to make, luckily there were 6 on the AH and when I looked in the price history I saw that the last 8 were purchased by 4 people... people doing the same thing I was doing. Buying today's Guild Points item. I got them for 16k each and rushed off to Windy. I got there, turned them in, and got my arpon! Then I got some synths in and raised myself from 89.9 to 90.2 in about 14 synths. Cost me an arm and a leg for those 2 stacks of stupid Plumes but I didn't care. I had 5M worth of stuff on the auction house waiting to get sold.
Five Million on the AH waiting to be sold? Say what? Over the weekend I decided to burn one of these Themis Orbs. Seeing how the last one turned out... I was looking for a more successful outcome. I heard from my good friend Tuufless that Evilstar was doing Horns of War in Horlais Peak. I was in a party at the time but 90 mins later when it broke he was still there. I asked if he had space for me and he said "sure". Here's my thing... manaburning a Kindred Seal BCNM has always annoyed me. You work for months to get these seals and the BLMs get everything but 1 item (depending on which BCNM you are doing). Fortunetly, and luckily, this wasn't anything like that. I arrived in Horlais Peak and there were 18 brave BLMs all waiting for me. I traded my Themis Orb and entered Horns of War.

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It was a King Behemoth type mob, which means nuke, grav, run the hell away. It's quite a sight to see 17 Blizzaga III's go off at the same time. I was extremely lucky, I used my Terra's Staff and also kept Stoneskin, Phalanx, and Protect IV on me at all times. That kept me alive, unfortunetly the BLMs didn't have such spells. As they ran around they had a big old behemoth to tend with... and he wasn't happy.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Unfortunetly as you can see some of the BLMs fell... well, most of them did. Towards the end he was at 2% and I was slamming my Chainspell macro but remembered that I used it to warp my party from Altepa... and wasn't able to steal the kill. He used Meteor one last time and even killed me, though I had Reraise II on just in case such a thing were to happen.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Even Tuufless ate it, though a taru BLM doesn't have much chance against a giant flaming rock hurling at them. In the end I got really great drops, which I didn't know at the time. I was expecting Guispiere, Bayard's, or Princley Swords. Little did I know that the Kriegsbiel was an even more valuable weapon. I chose my one item (the Kriegsbiel) and the rest went to the BLMs. See, here is where I used to think I was going to get ripped off. Instead I found that the 2nd most valuable item was a Behemoth Horn, and the rest wasn't worth 100k combined. All those BLMs died so they could split 700k 17 ways. Granted, they were going to do it probably 5-6x that night from different people. Still, much respect to the BLMs that died to get me a 5.4M gil axe. Hopefully it sells soon, not only do I need that money to help finish Clothcraft, but I really don't want to have to relist it.

So thats what went on this weekend, (mostly). As always thanks for reading, leave a comment if you have something to say. Even if it is "You suxorz you noob". Take care.

So I didn't quit so what

I don't know my status, I am feeling kinda like I wanna play but at the same time I wanna do my own stuff, on my own time. At least for the time being. So far I have spent a lot of time (and money) on Clothcraft. I got to the G.Bird Fletchlings/Errant Slops stage (87-93) and damn if those ingredients are expensive. To make 12 synths of Fletchlings its 600k, to make 12 Slops it's 870k so my wallet is feeling a bit lighter these days.

I have still yet to HQ a pair of Slops but I have gotten all the way to 89.5 and I am due to recieve my Weaver's Apron tomorrow so I'm pretty psyched about that. I also took Leathercraft to 28 because I had to have a base of 26 Leather to make these Slops. I still have to get that leather up to 60 if I want to be a good crafter, but for now I'm shooting for 92 Clothcraft. Then I will bounce back and forth from my subs to my main.

In non-crafting news I got my BLM to 44. Its fun, some nights I get great steady parties where we don't slow down for 3 mins and go for 4.5 hours. Tonight isn't one of those nights. I have been in this party for 2.5 hours, and my XP ring just wore. Which means we've gotten 3k xp in those 2 hours. This is due to 2 seperate occasions of a member DC'ing for the night, and a 3rd incident where a party wiped and the last member CFH'd as he was dying... So our 45WHM spent 10 minutes raising 6 people (they had no WHM). So here I am writing this entry while 5 of us kill VT crawlers for 74xp. Can't complain really, better than nothing I guess.

I've found a nice little 3 man (well 2 man/1 woman) Assault static for Lamia No.13 finally. Its 2 RDMs and a SAM and this leech is a great leech. He can mediate and slugshot quite nicely. So far we are 9/10 and I'm 6k from my Yigit Turban. Hopefully we can find 2 more people to start a static for the other ones, cause these people seem really cool and I know them from my Dynamis LS (which makes them cool by default).

Dynamis and Limbus... well last week I skipped both of these because I felt I needed a break, but now I think I may start going to these again because these people aren't morons and it is fun to do things with people who know what they are doing most of the time. Having said that we tried Omega again and he wooped us at 24%. We lost our tank and our BRD at the exact same time and the other tanks were weakened. A gun pod popped and wiped everyone, and while the last 2 people in the alliance were dropping the BRD and NIN logged in only to die seconds later. Disappointment was there but not as bad as Sunday's Dynamis. We got the mega boss to 1% with time running out. Lots of people were dead. I reraised with 1 minute left, used reraise gorget, cast stoneskin on myself cure 3'd myself, saw i had low MP so I used a Hi Ether, and with about 15 seconds left ran out to the boss to use Thunder III and the game wouldn't allow me to cast on him until about 3 seconds left. The reason... after you use an item on yourself there is (for some UNKNOWN reason) a 10 second timer you have to wait before you can cast any spell. Whether it's food, medicine, or reraise item. Since I used a Hi Ether on myself with about 15 seconds left I had only 5 seconds to run out into the area and cast a 4 second spell. I got Thunder III to 39% before I was kicked from the area.

Back to hating the game.


Saturday, June 24, 2006

Goodbye my friend

So today I was informed that one of our members, a galka SAM, decided to take his own life last night. This is probably the most shocking news I've ever heard while playing this game. I wish there was something I could have said to the guy while he was in-game. He was quiet but not a recluse. He knew how to have fun...

Whenever we gathered for Haku we'd always joke about how long the newbs were taking and we'd place bets on how many would die to aggro before reaching the ??? that spawns Haku. I used to put my character inside his and tell him I was cleaning the inside of his armor and demand gils when I stepped out. We'd screw around sometimes in Jeuno. He'd start emoting his chest hurt (with me inside him) and then I would /point motion and my arm would come out of his chest. He'd play off the whole alien thing and we'd get an immature laugh in and then do it again 5 mins later. Other times he would find another random galka and flat out skull hump me for minutes until I came back from AFK, making sure he documented it by screenshots. He is the galka on the right with the kote on.
I don't know what he was thinking, he was one of the most loved members of Furiousx and he will be missed incredibly. I hope wherever he is he doesn't have the pain he must have felt when he was still alive. Take care my friend, you will be missed.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Taking a break

I talked about doing this a few months back and never did. I have gotten myself too wrapped up in this game, online for hours upon hours upon hours. I don't know if I had a moment of clarity or if the shit finally hit the fan and I needed to make a decision. I'm taking of the next 5.5 weeks until August. Then I can reassess if I want to keep going in this game.

I have great jobs, good crafting, a ton of gil, and am in one of the best Dynamis LS's on this server... but I have no real friends. No one to talk to when I'm online. Sure I converse about meaningless dribble in /linkshell chat but that is just ambient chat. People have stuff I want but don't have. People are in linkshells that I want to be in but am not. People are doing things and killing things that I am not because I am not in that "circle of people" that are doing the things I want to do. I feel like I'm at a party with people who are no fun playing music I don't like talking about shit I don't care about. I'm sitting on a couch in the corner staring at the host's CD collection wondering why the hell I am still sitting here.

Well, I've been unhappy long enough. I'm getting my ass up and leaving this party. I may be back, I may not. I'm not sure. But I bet I'll be happier not stressing over the things I don't have and the stuff I'm not doing if I'm not confronted with it on a daily basis. Until then...

Monday, June 19, 2006

Arhat's Gi

yeah.. um, no. 12 Gi's? Hell I' wouldn't do more than 2-3.

24 Steel Sheets - 140k
12 Velvet Cloths - 110k
12 Silk Cloths - 135k
12 Rainbow Threads - 300k
12 Rainbow Cloths - 1M
Total - 1.685M
Value of 12 Arhat's Gi - 240k
Value of 1 Arhat's Gi+1 - 3.4M

So yeah, back to plumes.

Face it... Dynamis - Valkurm is lame

We're like 0/5 on this stupid zone. This time we didn't even fight the Mega boss. I won't go too far into a tangent but it was a dumb mistake compounded by a dumber mistake. The butterly effect, a better example would be an snowball effect. Either way we didn't win thought we did get 3 drops. Koga Head-1, WHM Head-1, and a THF cape. Sadly it could have been a better farming run had we thrown in the towel after we got subs back, but that's in the past and nothing can be changed about it so there's no need dwelling on it. Of course Jeuno got 8 AF2 to drop (though the too botched the win and wiped on the boss). Crappy day for Dynamis.

On to fun stuff. Crafting. Sadly neither of my Arhat's+1 have sold yet, though no one has undercut them either. It's not been 3 days since the last sale. Come one Odin NINs... Enmity+3!! Screw Haidate. I managed to squeeze a full level out of Wamoura Cocoons > Silk > Cloth. Now I just have to unload this cloth to make some money back. Tonight I'm going to make a stack of Arhat's Gi's just for kicks to see if I can HQ one. If I can thats 3.4M right there which more than pays for the materials for all 12 and I can get some skillup possibly. If not, oh well. i'm sure I'll get some skillup on it. So It's a win/win situation either way.

Also got BST to 19. Man I was duoing and even though it is much safer it is slow as hell when you can't release your pet at the last moment. I got the same XP in 1 hr solo'ing than I did in 3 hours duoing. I think I'm going back to BLM for a week. I'll post results on the Gi's tomorrow. Let's hope!

Saturday, June 17, 2006

I pwn Tier 0

I'm currently dead as 16BST in Carpenter's Landing waiting for a raise, so I might as well type this up while I wait. So I realized that it was not gonna be cheap to get through the 80's. Peronally I <3 style="DISPLAY: block; MARGIN: 0px auto 10px; CURSOR: hand; TEXT-ALIGN: center" alt="" src="" border="0">Now granted it's only about 600k but that's still 600k back in my pocket. That paid for 1.5 stacks of materiels. I basked in my glory for a while before I started back in. About 2 hours later I got another one synthed! Now this is kinda rare because tier 0 HQ's are about 7-15% chance. I was 3-4 levels below the cap and got these two HQ's. That's pretty rare. I listed them both for 598,001g and finished crafting last night and this afternoon I finally hit 86. Hakama cap at 88 but I'm done with them. I'll maybe do 1 level of Wamoura Silk > Cloth and then start in on Giant Bird Plumes. They are't much better, a stack of materiels costs 480k... so I'm seeing the funds from the Manteel, Nobles, and H Kote slowly disappearing. I should have enough though, and when I hit 95ish I'll get my Leather sub to 60 to be up to date.

Yay! A raise for my BST... god XP is slow.

Friday, June 16, 2006

Wyrm: 3 | LS: 0

Well Ten's army of BLMs finally showed up, and KS99 "Early Bird Catches the Wyrm" was 1st attempt. I, of course, used my orb first and after the PLD voked the Wyrm used Breath and wiped the entire alliance in 1 second. Glad I was planning to choose Unsho > Princly > Guispere, etc and we never even engaged it.

Second try was better, but being the only RDM/DRK in the whole alliance it was my job to CS stun in the air. We did fine till 75% when it went airborne, then like and idiot I hit stun macro before Chainspell macro and I had to wait almost 30 seconds before I could cast stun again, and I had a whopping 40 seconds of Chainspelling in. I learned that the Wyrm stays in the air almost 2 mins, much longer than my CS Stun can hold him off for. Once he landed he wiped the BLMs and 2 Benedictions later it was only a matter of time before the WHMs ran out of MP and the PLDs would fall. We took it to 24% and wiped.

Third attempt was just stupid. We went in with 12 BLMs, 1 WHM, 2 BRDs, 2 SMNs, and 1 RDM/DRK. Almost none of us had our 2 hours. We failed sleepingit at least 10x on darksday, though I was told thats the main strat, to sleep it. We wiped at about 48% and I gave up. The people were there but the execution wasn't. We had no ctun lock on the Wyrm and we had no real SC's of any sort.

Pics... well when I scrape through the file manager of the PS2 I'll post em... but it sucked. I have good news about my crafting but I'll post that tonight or tomorrow so it's not infested with this feeling of failure.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

First commissioned piece, and I didn't even blow it up!

Eviljoker had me make her a Vermy and boy was I nervous. Not only was it my first synth that someone asked me to do for them, but it was worth 9M gil! After getting support and a Terra Crystal I faced south and made the cloak. I wasn't all that surprised since I was 12 levels over the cap but as evidenced the next day... people can have critical failures on stuf way below their level. It happens, the trick is to have it happen to inexpensive crap instead of crap worth 9M gil, even if it isn't your gil, it's still someone's.
So I'm leveling up BLM right now because I have the job at 37 and I want to be rich by leeching off KS30's. So far it's alot of fun, and I already know SC's and MB's. Farming spells hasn't been so bad either. I have OCD I think, which is shown by the "map" of spells I have made. I listed the level and spell all in a table with the price on the AH and what mob drops them and where... I have problems. Not just because of that but because I did that same thing for my Clothcrafting. Luckily right now I am writing this while in an amazing party 40-41 in Western Altepa Desert making Chain #4 280xp without an Empress Ring.

I recently hit Clothcraft 83.7 today and I made a list of the next 8 synths from 78-94. I put the recipes down and what each will cost per synth. While this is a very efficient way to plan your attack, it is kind of scary seeing as I am doing this for a video game. Either way, I'm moving along quite fast with Clothcraft and I should have to do these stupid Arhat's Hakama for a few more days until I can mobe onto some Wamoura and maybe some Giant Bird Fletchlings.

Monday, June 12, 2006

Adept! Finally.

Not a whole lot to update, since my modem has been on it's last leg I haven't been doing alot of hardcore stuff. Tried Dynamis - Qufim but we couldn't do enough damage in the 3 mins that we had Chainspell Stun going and we ended up losing. Did gods on Saturday and I was high bidder on Genbu's Shield again and all that stupid turtle dropped was a Kabuto. Genbu really has a thing against me. I've come to accept that. They did a Sunday Kirin run but I knew my connection couldn't handle it. They got Raise III and an Oricalchum Ingot... so total crap drops.

I did on the other hand finally reach Adept in Clothcraft. Seemed I had to get past 73 to finally get some solid back to back to back skillups on Rainbow Threads, then when I did Puk Fletchlings the skillups were crazy. I did 4.5 levels of skillup in about a 2 hours time and finally finished at 78. (This morning I synthed 3 stacks of Rainbow Cloth and got another 0.7 through all 36 synths) Only problem is there is a huge dry spell 79-82 and the synths in the 80's suck.

I will just craft Puk Fletchlings till I cap them at 82, then Arhat's Hakama (which is a huge loss) caps at 88, Wamoura Cloth caps at 89, and Wamoura Silk (for some reason) caps at 90. I'll start doing W. Silk >> W.Cloth around 84, but I have to do stupid A.Hakama from 82 until 84 which is gonna eat some gils up. I have started synthing Kaginawa, mostly because its a Clothcraft synth with a Smithing subcraft and I am covered in both areas. So far I HQ about 5/12 synths and as long as I am not paying more than 13k per Manticore Hair I should make a decent profit off the toolbags. I'm pretty happy overall with the cost of getting to 80. So far I am about 4M out of pocket to get it to 80 which leaves me plenty to hopefully break it past 90. Some synths are getting a bit pricy now, such as Rainbow Threads >> Rainbow Cloths. Each stack of threads is 350k, and a stack of cloths is 1.1M so when I fail and lose 3 threads it's a little painful to see 90k go up in smoke... but, as my grandpa used to say, "Can't make an omelette without breaking some eggs". Just keep my eye on the prize and I should beover this Arhat's hump in by the weekend. Seems Mikesjustice is defying all logic and crafting like mad... Dude sold 7 of the last 10 Scorpion Harness+1's. Ugh.

Friday, June 09, 2006

Gearing up for Jorm tonight

  1. Capped RDM XP
  2. 2 fully charged Reraise II gorgets
  3. Capped Enfeebling Magic
  4. 99x Ginger Cookies
  5. MP regen+23 gear
  6. 948MP to use

Let's see if this does me any better against that bastard Jorm tonight...

***Edit*** LS pussed out, not enough BLM and SMNs showed up. That was worth it.

Artisan baby... hells yeah.

So I broke past the 68 level and started up on the road ahead to Adept. I leveled out today at about 72 and change, and the only reason why I'm not getting up faster is because I'm buying all the damn Spider Webs I can get my hands on. I'm trying not to pay more than 13k a piece since they are going for 10k. I'm tackling Puk Fletchings around 76 which should take me to 82. That will also allow me to get my Weaver's Apron which actually makes me look like an actual crafter. Right now I find myself crafting daily in my Jaridah Peti just so I can look original. The only thing I'm not looking forward to is synthing anything including Wamoura. Right now the only way to get that stuff is to farm the mobs in Mt. Zhaylom or to camp the Al Zhabi Clothcraft Guild... which looks like this every 55 minutes, and the pic below doesn't every show the 8 tarus who literally stand inside the NPC! It seems that the closer you get to the NPC, the better chance you have at pulling up the Buy/Sell menu at exactly 6:00. I would say about 75% of the time at 6:00 when I click the NPC I get no menu and when I reselect the NPC at 6:01 or 6:02... anything of value is long gone. There has to be a better way to do this. Even people who aren't logged in suddenly appear at 5:50 to try and buying Wamoura Cocoons, Karakul Threads, and Gold Threads only to logout 3 seconds later. Hurray for RMTs!

On a more positive, note we beat Dynamis Lord again on Wednesday with no real problems but for the 2nd straight time we got nothing but a L.Jadeshell. We DID in fact finally get a Duelist's Chapeau which is the 1st in a long time and only the 5th one we've had drop in the lifetime of the shell. So yippie only 6 more people ahead of me to get the Chapeau before it's my turn! That's only 1 more than we've seen total in a year... fack. I must say that the Culverin is a damn impressive weapon. It's pretty much a damn hand cannon and it puts out massive damage. I had to get a shot of this thing when I saw it, and I was definitly intimidated by that thing. Reminds me of what Arnold wielded in Terminator 2.

Finally, I finished up enough Lamia No.13 to get the Grandiose Chain. It's quite a nice piece, especially for burns (which is what it seems RDM do for xp once they hit lv75) although I am a bit upset that my HP/MP ratio is adjusted now. The Star Necklace is 15HP > 15MP which gets me about 10mp from 1:1 ratio, but the Grandiose Chain is HP/MP+10; hp/mp regen +2. This means I have about 972HP:948MP. So I need to finish my MP merits which will give me 20 more MP and then I should be closer to my 1:1 ratio.

Monday, June 05, 2006

Save the Drama fo yo Mama

Well I had a good weekend... for the most part. I caught up on my Clothcraft and we did a successful god run. Only blemish came on Sunday afternoon when another Dynamis LS jumped into our zone 30 minutes before we had scheduled to go in and shenanigans ensued. Luckily I had stuff on the TiVo to watch split screen while the drama unfurled in /linkshell chat. When we went in we had another Dyna - Beau win and got a Montinont, THF, WAR, and RDM AF. So Tabards for everyone!

Later on we did a Kirin which (as always) turned ugly on the 3rd and 4th mini god and avoiding a wipe was another task we had to complete before taking Kirin down in 90 mins. Unsent showed up the same time we did while MisfitGods was fighting their Kirin and I told a few of their members, we have done Kirin at 6pm on Sunday for the past 2+ months. After some talking it seems Firiel and Tenbears came to an agreement and Unsent respectivly waitied for us to finish. Say what you want about Firiel (I know I hate her and she hates me) but she runs a tight ship. I may dislike her, but I do respect her.

Moving on to happier things... I decided that saving up Assault Points for the Intensifying Cape was not the smartest thing. You see it's 10,000 points for MP+30 cape I want... but recently the Lamia Mantle was introduced. It's not 10,000 points, it's 28,000g which is cheap as hell and the trade off is a measly 6mp! Stats are great (MP+24; Magic Def. Bonus+3). That's right up my alley, plus, with the points I had saved up I bought a Insomnia Earring. It was 3,000 Assault Points and is HP/MP+15 and enhances Resist Sleep. Kinda killed 2 birds with 1 stone. Now I'm really starting to get impressed with my HP/MP ratio as well as the overall size of my MP pool.

(man I wish PS2 could screenshot menus...)

Also you'll see that my XP is capped. As of last night after Kirin I deleveled 2x but finished the fight with 292xp into 75RDM. I knew it was time to finally cap this xp (again) so I found myself a nice burn party for 6 hours and not only capped my xp but got 2 merits in the process! I now have 953mp and with 2 more merits to go in MP I can get to 973 base MP without food and break 1000MP with food. Yay me!

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Made it over the hump

So this morning I told myself I had been slacking long enough in Clothcraft. I hit 60, got my Spectacles and got complacent for a week. I dug my heels in and cleared 62 and started up in Black Choco Fletchlings which cap at 73. The first 1.5 levels was a bit grueling and I knew it would be but I said screw it, I'll skillup eventually and once I made it over 62 things picked up nicely. Only reason I stopped is because we had sky tonight. By the time I left for sky I had hit 64.0 and still had 9 levels to go on fletchlings.

Once in sky we made our rounds with Byakko, Seiryu, Suzaku and Genbu. I must say my enfeebling merits are finally starting to show themselves. I was able to silince Suzaku without Elemental Seal on 2x and the second time was literally 5 seconds before he 2 hour'd which meant his chainspell firaga 3 was completely nulled. It was pretty impressive if I say so myself. When we got to Genbu I knew I didn't have much competition, but sure enough the only person who was bidding against me had 4 more points than me. It didn't drop and Genbu was the only cheapass all night. Byakko dropped haidate, Seiryu dropped kote, Suzaku dropped sune-ate, but Genbu... he continues to seek unadultrated revenge on me. He dropped A. Abj: Hands again for the 2nd straight time and Canabis was able to get his Zenith Mitts.

Afterwards I was crazy bored and decided to be a ghetto BLM and help the LS do some KS30 orbs. We did 7 or 8 but got no V Claw nor any Damascne Ingots/Cloths. We got Forty his Destroyers though, and I ended up getting some stupid bow called the Expunger which increases its damage after you get 500 WS points (no thanks) so it was kinda crappy. I think the 4 BLMs gonna cut me in on their split since I was with them all night long. Tomorrow is more skillups, Dynamis - Beaucidine, and probably an evening Kirin with the seals we got today.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Jorm is a punk

Well last night I did Dynamis - Sandy and we walked out with 15 AF... 2 RDM's even. Crazy drops, and that brings us to 31 AF in 2 runs there. Yikes. I came out of Dynamis to find the LS had done 5 Shen runs and gotten 5 Reverand Mail and found out that Jorm was up so they got almost the whole shell to head out there to meet him for the first time.

It was a fun fight, people made the mistake of running behind him alot, and it eventually spike flailed. I told them it would but we got it to 20% and it hadn't so I think the shell got complacent and comfortable with it. Only thing that was important is we pulled our 1st wyrm, we did pretty well rotating, we need to get better with using the right avatars and always facing the wyrm the same way. It was fun for us, but Hex had to come out and be a total jerk. I don't usually vent my problems about people on here, but to come all the way out to the ends of Ul Range to watch us fight a wyrm for 5 hours shows that you both have no life and that you think sending tells to our members that we suck makes you look any less of a loser. Get a life dude, go play with your LS for 5 hours instead of watching ours.

Anyways, we lost, but the win was the learning of what we did wrong and how to get better. I'm sure this LS can move on to beating Jorm and then hopefully take Tiamat and Vrtra. Until then, it's a learning process, no one wins the first time they attempt something.