Monday, July 31, 2006


So yeah I guess I've been a real asshole to others over the past 2 years and 5 months I've owned this game, or maybe I just became an ass once I got RDM to 75 (which was around jan '05). Either way, I have pretty much alienated myself from the Odin community, thanks to my mouth which flies off the hook whenever a simple thought seems to enter my emtpy head.

I realized this after I read a bunch of Odin blogs and saw all these people doing shit with their in-game friends whether it was helping get AF items together or meriting in a static for 3 hours so that everyone can get a new meritable thing. Or even simple things like one person joining a new LS, feeling like they contributed, and getting positive feedback from the vets in said LS.

I have none of that.

I am probably on more blacklists than friend lists. I don't have a static for anything. If I need help with anything in game I have to beg strangers or pay the people I know. For example, I need to get to rank 8 for Windhurst. Getting rank is a joke, as long as you have 75's as support you can get to Rank 9 in almost a week. After that you need people from your own city. I have been Rank 6 for 3 months and only yesterday did I get Rank 7. I can't find anyone to waste about 15 minutes to kill 3 easy-ass slimes to help me finish Rank 7-1. Why? Because people don't like me. Boo-f'ing-hoo don't gimme the "he is always feeling sorry for himself" routine. It's reality, and I know why people don't like me; because I was an asshole for about 12 months.

Problem is, I have tried to seriously change my outlook and attitude towards this game, but almost everyone I know either thinks I'm the same asshole or they've heard about what kind of an asshole I am and want nothing to do with me. Kinda like a convict who's paroled and has changed but all anyone sees when they look at him is the same old criminal. I have no Limbus LS (the one I was in went from 20+ members to 4), I have no assault static, no ISNM static, no experience points party statci, and I have no HNM LS because every single one of them denied me. I'm well aware of the bitterness that is felt whenever someone brings up the name Gorokai. People that I know inside these LS's that have denied me have told me about how people want absolutely nothing to do with me.

There is no point to this post other than saying out loud how shitty I feel when I read other people's blogs and they're having a blast together with other people when I have the exact opposite experience whenever I am logged into FFXI. And honestly, it's all my fault.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

no double ballad for j00!

Yeah, so those asswipes at SE have been screwing up all kinds of BRD stuff since this patch. They give you something, then take it away, then they offer you something, but don't honor what they say they will. Let me explain:

1) Troubadour - First day update went live the description was "Increases the casting times for songs by 1.5 and doubles the effect" which was awesome sounding! Then, after putting 3 merits (30,000xp) into Troubadour I find out it only increases duration. (WTF it said nothing about duration!) The next day I log in and scan through my merits and guess what Troubadour now says... "Increases the casting times for songs by 1.5 and doubles the duration effect".

um, excuse me that's something totally different...

2) Harlequins Horn - So with the implementation of Raptor Mazurka (lv37 mazurka) it seems that Chocobo Mazurka got a bit of a speed boost. Suddenly, everyone with a Harlequin's Horn found that when they sang Chocobo Mazurka you got flee speed. Wow, awesome, now we can have almost constant flee! Sure, SE annoyed me by giving speed ncreases to not only low lvl BRDs, but people actually subbing BRD now... but giving us flee with HHorn is totally worth it. Horns starting selling again, raising from 400k to 3M. Then SE releases this crap:

Jul. 25, 2006 05:00 [PDT] From: FINAL FANTASY XI
Details on Current Known Issue (Jul. 25)

Since the implementation of the latest version update on Jul. 24, 2006, the following issues have been discovered. Solutions to these issues are now being tested. Players will be informed as soon as solutions are finalized.
The following issues have been discovered:

- An issue where singing Raptor Mazurka or Chocobo Mazurka with Harlequin's Horn, Gjallarhorn or Millennium Horn equipped would result in improper effect.
* This will be addressed on Jul. 26, 2006.

We apologize for the inconvenience.

You gotta be kidding me... So they lied to me about an effect which cost me 30,000 xp or about 3-4 hours of meriting... and now they are taking away the flee effect they added? Doing a bang-up job on us BRDs SE! A 20 minute ability to speed up songs which can be aquired by having the proper armor and having it on you 100% of the time, a /ja that extends songs, not their potency, and enmity control.

You fail this patch for us BRDs.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Troubadour, a let-down (so far)

So I got my 3rd merit, unlocked Troubadour, and to my dismay I found out that the term "doubles the effect" does not mean it doubles the output that ballad gives... it means the time which it stays on party members is doubled. Maybe this will change as it gets merited more. It's really the only thing I'm meriting in BRD.

Nightingale (faster songs) - I can get that through armor, why waste xp singing faster?
Adventurer's Dirge/Foe Sirvente - Like I'm gonna get tens of thousands of xp so a PLD can hold better hate or a BLM won't nuke himself to death? HA! Seriously though, mages/tanks should at this point have the proper gear to manage their enmity, and if they can't manage it then they should work on their tactics.

So pretty much the only thing of value (to me) is Troub. So we'll see how powerful/useful Troub can be when it's maxed.

Paralyze II is still incredibly tempting, but it can wait for now.

Monday, July 24, 2006

Holy crap am I excited...

So the version update went live today, and I'm at work right now but I was able to read what is in store for me when I come home. So many things to be excited about, here's my list:

New RDM spells (obtained through merits only)
-Paralyze II
-Slow II
-Blind II
-Phalanx II
-Dia III
-Bio III

New New BRD job abilities/spells (obtained through merits only)
-Foe Sirvente
-Adventurer's Dirge
-Raptor Mazurka <- (37BRD gets this... not too happy about that)

New BLM spells (obtained through merits only)
-Freeze II
-Tornado II
-Quake II
-Flood II
-Burst II
-Flare II <- (i have seen this and it's friggin amazing)

Other jobs' new notable stuff
-NINs can now earn job trait "Ninja Tool Expertise" through meriting (sucks for all those Koga Tekko folks)
-WHMs can now earn Proctectra /Shellra V through meriting!!! <- (also gorgeous... though no Curaga V)

Raise/Reraise was changed from 25% xp returned to 50% (wonder how it works with Hymnus)

Finally, new BCNMs in Aht Urghan won't be obtained through seals but instead through Imperial Standing. This is great and crappy at the same time. Great because I never wasted my IPS on the Walahara Turban (what job doesn't use a turban now...) so that means I can go ALOT. It costs 2k IPS for level 60 cap, and 3k IPS for 75 cap. The Bad, you trade your IPS for a key item to enter the battlefield, but you can only get said key item 1x every 24 hours. This means you can't go ahead and just warp back to the NPC to get a new orb like you could for KS30.

Still, I have over 35,000 IPS and having both RDM and BRD at 75 means that I'm going to be meriting... ALOT. My main goals are to get Paralyze II and Phalanx II, then maybe one of the new BRD job abilities. It's too soon to know what they do yet. Hell maybe, (just maybe), I'll level NIN to 37 so I can go RDM/NIN with Paralyze II and Phalanx II. I still hate melee though, but getting DRK to 37 meant getting WAR to 18 and my NIN is already 14 so I'm about 1/3rd there. I've got to find some time to get BLM xp in so I can unlock the AM2 spells (Flare II is insanely cool looking). Just when I thought I was gettig ready to get out, SE pulls me back in.

Oh yeah, I got +0.7 on Clothcraft synthing 24 Dance Shoes... too bad it cost me almost 2M gil to get 70% of a level. Still, I have 2 pairs of NQ Cursed Slacks on the AH so that right there is 3.2M coming to me. Shouldn't be too bad. Man, why did they do the friggin update on a Monday!!!!

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Yeah I still kinda hate smthing but w/e

So I got bored last night, I had farmed 3 Marid Hairs worth about 375k so after selling them I spent 800k on 2 stacks of Darksteel Sheets. I picked up some wind crystals and faced east on windsday with wind weather in Whitegate and made 16 Dark Scales and 1 Iyo Scale. The Iyo Scale is used to make some really great SAM AF+1 hands and the Dark Scales are used in the SAM JSE body armor (which almost every SAM has).

I got +0.6 in 12 synths. Got smithing to 56.2, was it worth it? I don't know... I really should be putting money into leathercraft since I currently need to make Dance Shoes for skillup but I'm incapable of making the Moccasins because they are a level 59 leathercraft synth and my lazy ass is only 28. Seeing how bored I am today I may continue to pump out the Kaginawa or move my ass to Sandy to level leather.

Oh yeah, last night I was whored out for my chainspell stun and we took Diabolos down in about 16 seconds. I know because I was watching the clock on my chainspell... and the 4 BLMs blew it up in mere seconds. Too bad we wasted about 1:30 buffing, positioning, and making things clear to everyone. Oh well, my SMN needed the avatar anyways, now I have all but Fenrir.

Friday, July 21, 2006

Ristin kinda inspired me!

So after sharing his Chi-town pics I thought I'd take my camera to work today and snap a few shots from my office window. Some days I find it hard to stare at the computer screen when I have this behind me:
(click the links for the full size versions)

This is looking out and down (northwest sorta) onto Park Ave and Madison Ave which runs from the bottom left corner towards the right. 42nd Street runs in front of that church like building in the bottom right hand corner.

This should be pretty obvious... since my buiding is between 33rd and 34th Streets I got a view of the Empire State Building if I look out my west window. If you look hard enough you can see the Hudson River and Jersey in the distance.

This final picture is my awesome "I'm not full of crap" picture. On the right you can see my desk. At the bottom you can see the lame air conditioner/heater we have. I prop up those cardbopard flaps so that I can direct the cool air my way cause when the sun sets it beams through my west window and makes my office about 10 degrees warmer. Hope you enjoyed a peek into my city!

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

lawl @ quitting again

So tenbears quit this game a 2nd, (or maybe 3rd time). I get a tell on Sunday night that he gave his stuff away and deleted his character. Oh well, I guess if he wants to return again he can always buy some gil and get power leveled... This backlash though was that the LS died, with 75% of the people following an unexperienced "veteran" of the LS and the other 25% went with Eraphie. Either way we aren't doing kings now, (and for a while it seems). Instead we are doing SKY! yay! Ugh, I have done sky forever it seems, with Envy, with fx, and now with Era's new LS.

I haven't been fdoing much else. We lost to Proto-Omega in Limbus this week for a 3rd time. That's getting annoying. Not just the death and the xp loss but thats 2-3 pieces of Homam we aren't getting each run, and it's another set of wasted chips down the drain. We are moving to Temenos now, which is fine with me. Time to start getting chips for Ultima and Nashira gear. Luckily I'm told Omega is easier than Ultima... so being 0/2 on Ultima I['m sure Omega is gonna be a pushover.

In my free time I've been trying to farm Demon's Axes, Dark Spirit Pacts, and Absorb -DEX... so far only an axe that won't sell...

Saturday, July 15, 2006

BLM fun times

So for the past few days I have taken up soloing and moved on from Gustav Tunnel and into Bibiki Bay. My first try soloing as 55BLM was funny... Used 1 ES'd Quake and seeing it only take 50% of the rarab's HP I realized I needed a partner. I did a /sea all BLM 55-57 and found a little taru 56BLM who was looking for party. This player was Japanese but in their comments they had {Please use the Auto-translate function}. I was able to convince them to come out with me to Bibiki Bay and duo, and boy am I glad we did. At first we were trying to one-shot it but doing that requires the same spell and calling out times which is kind of hard to do when 2 people don't speak the same language. We had some deaths but this lil taru was very eager and optimistic.

We came to the realization I would pull and stun at camp, then she would Sleep 2 the rarab and we would nuke. We finally got into a groove and the xp flowed like water. Our highest was Chain #4 for 520xp. Completely insane xp. We found a third person to join in and things went faster, even if the xp did drop to [gasp!] 250-300xp per kill. Finally we got our levels and moved on to higher ancient magic using tornado and even burst. It's really amazing how you can get into a groove partying with a 2nd person. You get a feel for what needs to be done fast and efficiently. If she got a resist I would stun, she would sleep, I'd toss her a Cure 2 and she'd thunder 2 for the kill. We really did well for our 1st party. When we finally broke we had partied for 3 hours and gotten about 13,000xp total. As we were saying our goodbyes she befriended me and just like that I made my 1st JPN friend. We warped out and before we broke party we agreed {Team up?} {Tomorrow} {Yes, please}.

Sure enough last night we got back together and she hit 58, I hit 56 and we got another 10k xp in a few hours. I'm hoping we can duo for a long time, cause not only is her little taru butt powerful, but she has so much optimism and loves to /emote everything. Makes partying with her alot of fun. So far my record for Quake is 1105 without ES on Earthsday. Weird thing was it was in the morning, but for the rest of the day I was capped at 940, and ES never broke 942. Didn't understand that one. Right now I'm camping for my Wizard's Tonbon. Kinda crappy pants but I'll macro them in with my Dusky Staff for my aspirs and drains.

Friday, July 14, 2006

Resurrection strikes again

Well after their MPKing at Ying yang Robe using Dia on slept links, many hoped that Res would stop killing people when they don't get claims but this is Hex we're talking about. Case in point tonight FX claims Nidhogg, our very first time claiming him. Right off the bat Res members spam cures on our PLDs and turn Nid, trying to MPK us. I was able to speak with Eowen for quite some time after we lost and Eowen (being the trooper he is) didn't deny that Res tried to MPK us right off the bat. He did say though that since a spike flail never happened... no harm no foul. That's Res for you. We eventually got all of our members to get /blockaid on and we took Nid to 24% with maybe 2 deaths. Suddenly there was a flail...

Now we've done Fafnir successfully two times in a row with no flails. People know not to move. People at Nid tonight who were in the alliance were not moving. Faf doesn't just flail if you are on his feet and motionless. Our people stayed on his feet the whole time... except when we had to chase it down because Res tried to MPK us (unsuccessfully so it's ok) 10 seconds into the fight. Anyways we eventually wiped and LB got the claim at about 25% and had to do 1/4 the work for the eventual kill. Congrats to them, A. Abj: Body dropped (which was originally headed my way had we gotten the kill) and also some leg or foot abj. The funniest part of the night came when a GM contacted me because putting Hex's name in my search comment was "harrasing to him". What a glorious hypocrite... and what is turning a mob you lost claim to? Is that not harrassment? Trying to MPK us at the start. That's not harrassment?

Resurrection is a LS run by a total asshole with a handful of the most underhanded, dirty people in all of endgame. It's really a shame for the good people in that LS because when Res tries to MPK you right after they lost claim, it reflects on the LS as a whole not just the one person who is tryig to wipe your alliance.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

I'm playing solo right now.

Wow, BLM solo is crazy xp. I've found a nice camp at O Bow NM camp and been milking the Goblin Sheperd's for their leeches. You have to one-shot them or the Sheperd's come after ya but if you are successful you can get better xp than you can in a normal 6 man party. If you rest as soon as you one-shot it and nuke as soon as it spawn you can keep the chains going (as evidenced above in my ghetto college). So far I got to 54 and can now equip my Wizard's Gloves.
After using Quake and Tornado (AM is fun to watch) I headed out to Bibiki Bay because at 54BLM I only get 82-125 xp per kill, which is a steep drop off. I went out there and found the Hobgoblin Animaliers and their Rarabs. First Freeze hit for 421, I died. Reraised, thought maybe it was just a resist, so I waited, used Elemental Seal and went again. Freeze hit for 871, took the Rarab to 20%, I died. After reraising I was 15 tnl... so I headed back to Gustav Tunnel and got my level back. That's what I'm doing right now. Writing this entry in between spawns of the Goblin's Leech. Wyvernpoacher Dracalox just popped too. No one in the LS needs it and I shouoted his and still no replies so I guess he'll go unkilled for now. He drops Othinius' Bow. Pretty much the best RNG crossbow in the game.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Rod Stewart's right, "Some Guys Have All the Luck"

I think God decided to LOL @ me yesterday. Octa, a LS mate, got A. Abj: Legs in sky and wanted to get his Zenith Slacks. I've never synthed them before and they are a 97 cap synth. I've been on a bit of a crafting break since hitting 93, so I wasn't really all that close to the cap. With my GP items and advanced Guild Support I could meet the cap being 93.0+2+3, but that was the best I could do. I told him about this and he said no problem. I synthed his Siren's Macrame (91) and faced south on Firesday Waning Moon 79% and synted. I warned him it could break, he seemed positive. Well sure enough I synthed the Cursed Slacks -1. Unreal. Some people on Killing Ifrit talk about going 0/100 + on that item. I'm 1/1... and they weren't even for me. Honestly I've only ever seen 2 on people. Terican has a pair and Yumikogirl has a pair in her bazaar usually for 25M. I think maybe 6-10 have sold on the AH before. Either way it's a super rare synth and I'm glad for Octa. In no way does this mean I'm gonna start pumping out Cursed Slacks trying to get another +1. Hell, I didn't even get a skillup on it.

In other news I found a nice spot I can solo BLM which I got to 52 last night. If I can 1 shot the Goblin Sheperd's leech in Kuftal Tunnel I can get anywhere from 180-200xp without my xp ring on. Last night with some help from Omegaslayer clearing adds, I hit 2 Chain #5 's for 300xp each. I wish I had my xp ring on at the time, but I still got 5k in 1 hour of soloing. I'm on my way back there today until Limbus. Not sure if I'll make HNMs tonight, though we claimed our 2nd Fafnir again last night. Congrats to Gooftaru on his Adaman Mufflers. So far Eraphie has done a bangup job organizing and motivating the LS to make a serious push into the HNM market. Hopefully Nidhogg and Aspi aren't too far around the corner from dropping a A. Abj: Body for me since Dalmatica is the dream armor I've had since I learned about endgame. As Earl says, "Karma... it's a strange thing". Hopefully I increased my karma skill +0.1 last night with that cursed slacks-1!

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Fafnir Slayer

Well, lots of good stuff happening. We claimed and killed our 1st Fafnir. That was fun, drops were ok but the fact that we killed it our first try was reward enough. Sure, we had our detractors. hex spent almost 15 minutes talking badly about our LS in /say and even one of the Res members stood at Faf's tail and spam cured our PLD trying to get it to turn and spike flail us. No matter, we won and that's all that matters. Some people just feel the need to put other people down whenever they can. Hex is that type of person, and it's a shame too because there are many good people in Res but there are a handful of horrible ones and they ruin the reputation of the entire LS by doing this sort of stuff.

I've been spending some time up in Castle Zvahl Keep camping the 4 NM's that pop there. They are level 68 but not hard for a RDM to solo and I've gotten quite good at it. So far I've killed the DRK 3x (no drop) the SMN 2x (no drop) and the WAR 1x (got a 450k Demon's Axe). The only one I have yet to pop is the BLM, for some reason he just doesn't want to spawn. I'm determined to get at least my BLM spells from the BLM and possibly the Absord-DEX spell from the DRK. Patience I guess, it's not like they're going anywhere!

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Another 48 Hours

So after rushing so fast to get BLM to 51 what do I do the next two days? Nothing... and I play on my RDM doing end-game stuff. Yesterday, we had a new person named Eraphie come into the LS. She has been so helpful to everyone in the LS, and she needed to get some whispers for Fenrir and I have had only 3 avatars for the longest time.... so the Prime Avatars were about to go down! Well she was so cool that she tele'd me all around Vanadiel to the various avatar taru NPCs and even helped me get enough fame for Bastok (which I have crap level 5 fame) and finally get Titan's fork. Only for Titan did I "tank" which took us 18 mins to win, but for Ifrit and Ramuh she tanked like a beast, and the fights took 8 mins. Before the night was over I had doubled my avatars and I am only missing Diabolos and Fenrir. I don't have Light and Dark Spirits but they aren't all that necessary for a SMN anyways.

We've also started camping kings and that can take anywhere from 3 hours to 9 hours of camping which kind of worries me because there is still so much I want to do. I want to merit RDM so I can have them for BLM, I want to actually XP on my BLM. I want to farm my spells for my BLM (already have 15/24 of the spells to 75), and of course I want to do Dynamis and Limbus. Now that I've started gearing up for SMN, I might want to level SMN eventually as well. Oh yea and then there's always that crafting thing... So much to do.

Finally last night we had a new addition to the LS named Jokerr and as soon as he joined he started organizing a ZM17 run. This is the only thing that's holding me back from Apocalypse Nigh. I've beaten CoP, I've beaten Bahamut v1, I just needed to complete RoZ and then climb my promies. Well sure enough we got a pretty good party together (WHM, BLM, RDM, RNG, WAR, NIN) and headed to the Celestial Nexus. Three deaths later from dumbass aggro (I'm as much to blame as anyone) we buffed and entered the Nexus.

Now we had the gameplan down, but I had never seen what this fight looked like. I was to sleep the Orbitals and run back. Well we enter, Jokerr runs in to get hate and starts fighting. These Exoplates form around the kid and Jokerr is tanking them and I see no Orbitals so my dumbass casts Sleep II on the Exoplates. Wouldn't you know less than 2 seconds later the Orbitals spawn. Luckily I get a Sleep I to stick and run back. We start doing fine and get him to 5% with some Mighty Strikes and nukes, but then a Tornado gets through someones shadows and me and the WHM Cure IV and Cure V. Well we both got hate and soon dropped from a few hits and a Burst spell... So we're dead and they take him to 1% and I'm wondering why the WHM isn't Reraising. He finally does and we take him out but 5/6 of the party is weakend for his 2nd form. Supposedly his 2nd form is a joke, he only had 2500 HP so our WHM Bene's, our BLM Manafonts, and we start nuking the hell out of him. Here's the problem, this kid has an AoE attack that seems to have unlimited range. Don't forget all mages are weakened and 1 AoE drops Stoneskin. Well we get him to 15% and all three mages drop. We get right back up and run to the starting point of the arena... pretty damn far from the fight. We start using our Reraise Hairpins and I got to about 55% before an AoE wiped the mages... So we're out for the count. All that was left was the RNG and the NIN and there was no barrage up. Luckily Jokerr knows how to tank pretty friggin well and was able to tank this kid with only 339 HP the whole time. Barrage finally comes back up and the RNG destroys him. Game over. RoZ finished. Thank God. I have been on this Mission since I got DM done with Envy almost a year ago.

After a long CS involving a storyline I had completely forgotten about, I was ported out to Hall of the Gods and HP'd. I can now climb the 3 promies and get my pretty Magnetic Earring, Conserve MP+5, MP+20 hells yea. Then I can sell my Insomnia Earring and make a little cash. All in all a very eventful 48 hours.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

13 hours seems fair

So after hitting 50BLM I looked at my spell list and realized that I wanted/needed Tornado @ 52. I checked the auction house and of course it was 300k. I checked online and saw Yagudo Prelates in Castle Oztroja dropped them so I headed out around 11am. I got there and no one was there, so I started killing prelate after prelate. Eventually some people came for G3, some for coffer keys. They all came and left. yet I was still there. I farmed them upstairs by the torches and I farmed them down below past the Brass Door where you do G3. I killed and killed, and got not a single tornado scroll to drop.

13 hours.

Yep, I farmed for 13 hours to get this scroll, from 11am till midnight. I got about 12 BLM testimonies, 3-5 MNK/BRD/NIN testimonies, I got Aero IV, Aeroga II, Aeroga III... but no Tornado. Finally a kind THF allowed me to whore his treasure hunter and so I helped him kill the Yagudo High Priests for Raise II. Thirteen hours later it dropped and all thanks to a nice THF named Eleene. I figured it out I was getting about 33xp per kill and went from 7490 limit points to 10,200 limit points (I even got a merit). At 33xp per kill thats just over 82 Prelates killed. 1/82 isn't the best drop rate seeing as some people who came and went while I was there reported as going 1/5 on Tornado. Oh well, I got all spells I needed from them, now Ineed to farm Dread Demons for Firaga II, Flare, and Fire IV. There are 27 spells for BLM from levels 50-75, and so far I have 14 of them.

Today I tried to solo Goblin pets in Gustav Tunnel as a 50BLM, and died 4x so I'm not trying that again for 2 levels. My Freeze spell was hitting them for 792-795 and leaving them with 3% HP which meant the Goblin Shepherds were incoming to kill me. First death was because I got aggro while casting freeze and it seems that it takes a good 5 seconds for freeze to get interrupted, but it only takes 3 seconds for a Goblin Mercenary to slaughter you. Death #2 and #3 came from the linking sheperds after I left their pets and 3%, and death #4 was BS because the Goblin hit me as it was despawning! I've never died from a mob that was disappearing off my screen, but now I know you have to wait until you can no longer see the name of the mob. So 3k xp later I'm only 500 into 50BLM and warped home with my tail between my legs and put up my party flag in shame.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

-insert catchy/witty title here-

Well I finally got to 50BLM.. and boy was it a trek. I was lucky from 40-48 but these last two levels I have been in some pretty sad parties. People DC'ing never to return, people saying that they refuse to SATA the tank, just plain stupidity. I was able to trudge my way to 50 tonight in a party that was averaging about 115xp per kill. At 2am I finally hit 50BLM and was able to learn my 1st ancient magic (Freeze). I also was able to wear my Tacticians Magicians Coat and my Gold Hairpin, so I got a handful of goodies.

At 51 I'm told I can solo the pets of Goblin BSTs in Kuftal Tunnel. I also need to farm up Tornado for level 51 and also start up on BLM AF quests, since this level 29 Seer's gear is getting dusty. Not a whole let else going on. Took a break from crafting for a weekend. Got my Choral Cuffs +1 but never got around to getting my Yigit Turban because 1/3rd of my static wasn't online all weekend. I did get my NPC to level 52 (whoopie) but other than that I've done a whole lot of nothing. Farmed Dynamis - Xarc on Sun (no chapeau dropped) farmed Apollyon SE tonight (got 3 coins which I'm selling from now on). Kinda a boring update. Sorry :/